by Bill Meyer

"Bringing out the best in people through hard work, creativity, and laughter makes for a more confident and optimistic society." - Bill Meyer

Friday, January 7, 2011

Adversity, Focus, Discipline

These are just a few of the words that come across my mind at this very moment. I'm lucky enough to be able to spend my life with a woman that has an equal if not greater passion for health and fitness as I do. We just finished a training session, and although with different programs and different goals, we still enjoyed sharing the same space and working to better our lives.

A month ago, after purchasing her a couple kettlebells (10lb and 15lb) I began teaching Lauren the technique of the kettlebell 2-hand swing, a skill's success, which in my mind, is determined on 3 things:

1) efficiency of body's movement
2) breathing pattern
3) confidence in your own strength

A natural athlete she is, however, she had trouble with the timing of the movement and her grip strength (due to prior injury in the thumb). This frustrated her greatly. She is used to being great at everything upon the first few tries, or in this case, swings.

Knowing that she was already strong enough to handle the 15lb (as I continued to watch her swing it waaaay high in the air over and over), I had her try to feel what "heavy" for her felt like, handing her the 16kg that I have in my arsenal. She struggled and got even more frustrated, saying that "there's no way I could EVER do that". The word "ever" had a little bit of her Sparrow 'swag' to it, thus the emphasis.

I recently signed her up to Lisa Shaffer's 10,000 Kettlebell Swings in January challenge, knowing that through her discipline and ability to overcome obstacles, she'd find nothing but success.

For the first few days now, she's knocked out each workout designed by me to get her to the goal with her 15lb kettlebell, while grooving a great pattern of swinging and tempo.

Today, she decided to take on a different challenge. After completing 7 rounds of 50 swings with the 15lb'er, she declared to me during a quick water break that she was going for the 16KG for the last set of 8. I told her to be careful and focus on technique and even break up the 50 into smaller sets.
Yo Sparrow! Great job eh!!

Needless to say, she cranked out 50 reps in a row with great technique, finished her treadmill intervals, and walked into the living room with hands thrusted high a la Rocky Balboa. 

As I finished my set, I came in and watched her knock out yet another set of 50 reps with the 16kg. 100 total. Her choice, not mine.

So proud of my baby bird today for what she's accomplished.

What have you always thought you "just couldn't do"? Whatever it may be, go give it a shot, you never know how it might turn out.

Finish With Action,

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