by Bill Meyer

"Bringing out the best in people through hard work, creativity, and laughter makes for a more confident and optimistic society." - Bill Meyer

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My "Top 5 of 2011" - #2

#2 - Opening "Meyer Fitness"

So, this blog was supposed to be posted yesterday, alas, we had some great friends of ours from Austin, Texas come into town to celebrate the new year, and as usual, one thing led to another and the laptop never graced us with its presence throughout the afternoon and evening. As my dad would say, "Well, son, you're a day late and a dollar short." Story of my life haha....

I have always been asked if I would ever own my own business, and in the back of my head I suppose, if I was to be completely honest with you, the answer would be yes.

So this is the year. It's the year to take the plunge, put my best foot forward, and put my heart and soul into the family business. (Side note, how many more cliches can I put in one sentence?) Upon deciding to move forward with this goal, my excitement level as never been higher professionally speaking. The research it takes (still taking), the decisions to make, the conversations I've had with fit pros that have experienced what I'm venturing into, and the meetings with my real estate agent, Paul; all of it has made me more and more excited about this stage of my life.

Starting with the name of the studio: Meyer Fitness; the strength of the name pours over me as I am extremely proud of my family, as vast as it is, and extremely thrilled to put it in lights and do them all proud. Not all of my family that is important to me owns the name "Meyer", however, I feel as if I am representing all of them with this venture, and the pressure that comes into play by choosing that name is welcomed.

Timing; the timing of the business opening couldn't be better. I credit my good friend, Jude Howe, for sealing the deal with when the business takes flight. Before leaving Austin, Texas, I went down to train with Jude at his Underground Strength Academy off of South Congress, spending the better part of 2 hours with him, working out, shooting Hyper Wear video, and talking business possibilities. Standing in his small bit of a parking lot outside his garage-like, rustic studio, he said to me,

"Bill, don't wait until you're "ready", because you'll never be ready. Do it now when you're sure that you're not ready, because you will indefinitely work harder for it each and every day."

These words have bounced around my head for the last 3 or so months and have probably made the most difference in my decision-making since then.  Thank you, Jude, for inspiring me the take the hardest step: the first one.

Why open my own business?

I wish to take my career into my own hands. I wish to make a permanent mark of improved health and fitness in the community that I live in. I want to feel that satisfaction of knowing that when the business succeeds, and I know it will; it was because of the hard work that I put in and the effort and support of my fiancee, friends, and family. I wish to provide stability and freedom to my family and have a place that anyone in my family can always feel welcomed to come work, play, and stay at anytime of the year. I want to take my dogs to work and let them walk around and be the mascots of the studio, watching the smiles they put on the faces of the wonderful people that walk through the door.

Overall though, I want to feel the pride of ownership. Looking back on these blogs, there is one consistent theme of taking control of my life in 2011, whether personally or professionally. It is time. I will succeed. I will take control of the outcome of my life from this point on and my business will be a large part of that.

Stay tuned in for my #1 goal of 2011, coming up tomorrow!!!

Finish With Action,

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