by Bill Meyer

"Bringing out the best in people through hard work, creativity, and laughter makes for a more confident and optimistic society." - Bill Meyer

Monday, December 6, 2010

Do You Like Apples?

So this is the official beginning of my blog site, and not completely sure what I'm getting myself into at this point with this little project. All I know are the following:

1. I like to write.
2. I like to educate.
3. I like to receive feedback.
4. I like to help do my part in changing the world with a couple of small tools on my belt that I like to call "Motivation" and "Priority".

So here I am. Now, let's discuss the age old phrase of "Knowledge is Power".....

Plain and simple, I don't believe in it. Any strength coach that knows their worth realizes that it's not that effective to read a book, article, blog, or watch a dvd, and then sit tightly on the information, afraid or embarrassed to use the knowledge in real life with your athletes/clients. It's fine to read, study, learn, and discover, however, to not use it is to hold back from the relatively few people on this big rock that we get to work with, withholding your newly gained "smarts" because they just don't feel like making the effort in their preparation.

If you have the gift, use it. If you have the smarts, explain it. If you have the desire, go for it.

Remember that part in "Good Will Hunting" where Ben Affleck explains to Matt Damon on the construction site that "he (Damon) better not be here in 10 years", directly speaking to the fact that he was way too talented to sit around and be a bricklayer.

What I'm explaining here is that "Knowledge is Power" is NOT completely accurate and truthful. It is "Applied Knowledge is Power". When you have the wherewithal, the education, the drive, and the environment, don't sit around and give you and your clients a sub-par performance. Don't be afraid to be the trainer or coach at your facility that most people look at and say "well I wonder what he's doing?".

Thoreau says to "....begin with reading, finish with action". So now you've read it, time to take action!


p.s. - I couldn't resist, here's the best scene from "Good Will Hunting".........make sure to watch it all to allow for the scene to come full circle....

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