by Bill Meyer

"Bringing out the best in people through hard work, creativity, and laughter makes for a more confident and optimistic society." - Bill Meyer

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My "Top 5 of 2011" - #5

As Ken Blackburn has recently reminded me: Goals are always a good thing to have. Something he has noted a couple years back regarding having goals goes a little something like this...

"ambiguous goals are like ambiguous driving directions; your chances of getting where you want to go are slim. State them as specifically as possible."

After reading that quote for the first time, my immediate thought was "Well, damn, I've got great sense of direction and rarely get lost at all no matter how much the GPS is off with it's instructions! I can work with this!"

So as the Holiday Season comes to a close, bringing the end to yet another fantastic year, I've decided to spend this week-in-blog counting down my "Top 5 Goals of 2011", one per day until the culmination of the #1 Goal is released on the first day of the new year!

#5 - Buying My First Home

 There's something satisfying about this goal that I can't seem to put my finger on. Maybe it's the simple feel of owning something for myself and my fiancée, a comfort of "you can't take THIS away from me", well maybe you can, but an extremely odd string of events has to take place for that to happen. I'm also feeling that there's always been some strange type of status-building sensation when you say to someone that you own your home instead of renting it, like "you've finally made it out of your 20's and you have a somewhat successful career going for you" kind of feel.

Overall though, mostly there is a cozy feeling that one gets when they purchase their own home, and for someone like me, the ability to provide a certain level of protection and satisfaction of sustaining a roof over your family's head no matter how hard the wind may blow outside. We just finished 2 days in a row of official "Snow Days" here in Virginia, and it was a nice feeling to have being inside with our fireplace warming our bodies, movies and sports on the television, and board games and card games peaking our interest and laughter. By the way, if you haven't played a solid hour or so of Catch Phrase with your family and/or friends, you're missing out on some serious fun and competition.

It was a nice feeling knowing that soon enough, I would be the owner of this very home that provided my fiancée and I so much warmth, safety, and laughter during a great period of time in the Holiday Season.

Tune in tomorrow to find out #4 in my end of the year countdown of "Top 5 Goals of 2011".....

Finish With Action,

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